Sunday, June 14, 2009

claude debussy and culture war

so ive been sitting here studying for a test about how america is not in a culture war when im sure my parents would profoundly disagree. the fact is, i find myself increasingly disenchanted with all these themes. Maybe people should stop worrying so much about the perception that we all are going to hell and start living. there is this idea that we can change things. change culture change the world, change america. whatever. the only thing we can conceivably change is ourselves and in my opinion that is sort of suspect. I seek to follow the way of Jesus. but in the words of david crowder in the lark ascending. we are supposed to be the lark and we are supposed to be ascending. but i dont feel like the lark most of the time. rather than ascending i feel like im plummeting back down to earth but then something beautiful happens. sometimes it takes shape in a moment. sometimes it takes shape in a day or a week or a month. it could be a movie or a song or a conversation. but i feel drawn back into the irresistible grace that i have been given. can i control this? can i turn this on and off. I dont think so. I dont know what i think. the fact is i am not all that original. o sure i try to be. i try to sit here and have new interesting thoughts, but even when i think i have ill listen to a matt chandler sermon or don miller or read kyles blog and there discover that it was not an original thought at all. but who cares. if its truth claim it. thats what im learning to understand. just because i didnt think something up does not make it any less true. truth is truth is truth is truth and i hope im learning to revel in that. to enjoy that and not be jealous that im not eloquent or innovative or intelligent. truth is written truth is spoken but most of all truth is lived. Jesus Christ lived truth. Jesus embodied truth. Jesus Is truth. I was thinking about that because of Bryce yall should all go read what he writes. but back to debussy. I love his music i find it just the thing to listen to in the morning. 

1 comment:

Bryce said...

David I think you are dead on. Whether we are locked in some culture war or not, change is occurring, and pulling from one of Gandhi's popular quotes, he says, "Be the change you want to see in the world." It's interesting we can pour our lives out trying to change others, we can neglect our own life and maybe others will change, but I am learning that change must first occur from within, when we change first then others change, instead of trying to enforce some envisioned change on others. Hopefully that makes sense. I love you buddy and thanks for the blog plug.