Thursday, December 11, 2008


heres my triumphant return to the blogging arena. not really in all honesty ill never be as good a writer as sebastian murdoch or kyle gregory. my blog will not be anticipated for weeks to come by thousands of young women like the venerable KMB. but thats ok. i used to want to be a writer very much and still like the sound of it. but you know what? i cant write. i wish i could. I really respect men and women who can and would love to add my name to the pantheon of great writers. But, alas, that will never happen. my strength though perhaps is communicating verbally. At least i like to think it is. The truth is i have alot of thoughts running through my head all day. I like it that way but it often leads to me over thinking things to the point that its absurd. Last night I was up till 130 watching D:3 The Mighty Ducks and secretly wishing that I in fact had played hockey for Gordon Bombay as a youth. It would have built my character and maybe i wouldve had the chance to meet Barry Melrose or punch Sean Avery in the face. For those of you who dont know who that is youtube there names and you'll understand. This movie if classic 90's culture and you know what? I kind of like it a little bit. I like the fact that those lovable kids do all sorts of silly things that would never happen in real life. In one instance a kid from Texas of all places chases all the other ducks around with a rope and lassos them down while there on the ice. The also sneak in the "the varsity"s dormitory and unleash fireants into their rooms. This and many other instances led me to believe that high school would be like that for me. Lets just say it was not. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

o the bitter nights

why do we as people freak out about the smallest things? especially here. we always say hakuna matata or if youve mastered religious speech "its all in Gods hands" or "its in Gods will" but how many of us live like that. I know i sure as heck dont. Tonight a series of events happened that made me very frustrated. Should they have frustrated me? probably not but of course they did. Alot of it is because ive made the decision to put God on the rocks lately. Its ridiculous. Ive neglected doing the things that I know make me happy. The Lord lifts me up and is always there for me but i seem to not care about that as much as i like to  think I do. So how to counteract this seemingly endless circle of events? I dont know for sure. Read more pray more. dont do dumb things. Those all help. but its about immersing your life in the truth and beauty of God however that takes hold. every minute of every day. O Lord im sorry for just being juvenile and deciding subconsciously that i dont need you. Forgive me for being ridiculous. As I get older I begin to realize how dependant I am for a savior. Because David Hutchens is weak and selfish and arrogant. But O lord when i am walking in rythmm with you I feel strong and selfless and humble. I want more of that.

Monday, August 11, 2008

who cares about synchronized diving?

I wish that NBC in there coverage of the olympics could somehow show events that appeal to me. It does not that help that the commentators are a joke and they are annoying. Also thanks to my friends in the ESPN organization which i can never escape because they are everywhere, You know half of the results before they air here in America. I enjoy track and field, swimming, ill even watch gymnastics maybe.... but probably not. but neways there are so many good events to watch. Probably the most compelling thing to watch is the US mens basketball team.....or as pundits in the media have taken to calling them, the redeem team. I do not like this name because i was under the impression that we were supposed to win everything especially basketball. There should be nothing to redeem. We are America and we should beat every other team by 3o. I dont care if we get beat in badminton by a man from singapore. but i feel embarrassed if we get beat in one of "our sports". So i know were ill be when they play. watching and hoping we beat everyone really bad. which brings us to preseason football. preseason football is a flirt. you scroll down the guide and you see that football is on.....but you know its preseason. You know its not the same but you flip to it anyway. and just like that girl who tells you to call them but when you do she can never hang out.....preseason football breaks your heart everytime. because you never really like the flirty girl but you kind of talk yourself into maybe liking them. Preseason football does the same thing to me. It breaks my heart because its not the same as real football just like that girl you call when your heart is broken or you miss someone is not the same as the girl you really like. Im done with you forever preseason football. youve broken my heart to many times.
we must be the change we wish to see in the world
we must allow christ through us to be the change in the world that we wish to see
we cannot do anything apart from christ working through our lives
